The Financial Statement Analyzer helps you understand the current financial position
of your company and provides clear insights to ease the decision-making process.
enScore's Financial
Statement Analyzer evaluates financial performance through the following parameters:
a) Vertical
Analysis: Provides insights from Total Sales to Profit After Tax over
consecutive assessment years.
b) Horizontal Analysis: Offers insights into Liabilities and Assets
across three
consecutive assessment years.
c) Ratio Analysis: Includes metrics such as Current Ratio, Debt to
Equity Ratio,
Inventory Turnover Ratio, Working Capital Turnover Ratio, and Gross Profit
d) Cash Flow Statement: Gives a complete overview of Cash
and Cash Equivalents at
the beginning of the year, records changes in cash flow, and details Net Cash Flow
from Operating and Investing Activities, as well as Foreign Exchange Gains/Losses.
It also shows Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of the period.